Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Freedom Of The United States Essay - 2413 Words

Both before and after legalized slavery, blacks imagined having the right to education, the right to own land, to vote, to marry, to be respected citizens and live freely in the United States among the other freedoms that were automatically granted to whites when they were born. Freedom is defined as, â€Å"The power or right to act, speak or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.† The 13th Amendment technically freed the slaves, but for a slave in 1864, African American’s vision of freedom was limited because they had been seen as property for such a long time. Slaves didn t know what was out there and there were many whites against this new freedom they had just received. Although, they were aware that they weren t equal to whites at the time, they didn t completely know what freedom could really mean. As time went on they started to see what came with freedom and they began to demand what they deserved. The country was beginning to reconstruct and thi ngs were looking up for blacks. Throughout this journey to freedom, there were plenty of abolitionists who fought for African American rights. These people were upstanding citizens who would stop at nothing to see their community thrive and prosper. Advocates created groups and clubs to continue to help their people and things were going well for African Americans. For a few years after slavery, African Americans thrived, by owning businesses, becoming politicians, starting HBCU’s , and becoming doctors andShow MoreRelatedThe Freedom And Freedom Of The United States1499 Words   |  6 PagesKnowing the Meaning of Freedom Freedom and liberties are the most popular and significant topic in the United States. However, what’s the freedom and who can enjoy the freedom became the controversial arguments in America during its post-civil war period. 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