Monday, June 8, 2020

Who Do You Think You Are

Some of you, high schoolers seem to have this idea and sense of pride that you are better than someone or that you have more worth than someone else.   This can cause you to put others down or make them feel unworthy of someone or something.   You are normally known as bullies.   Sometimes kids know who you are and they stay clear of you as best as they can.   Other times they don’t know you, sometimes you are the kid they least expect.   Either way it doesn’t make a difference.   What makes you feel like you can determine what others deserve or if their life has any meaning.   The truth is that everyone’s life has meaning and everyone was specifically put on this earth for a reason.   How can you not see the truth? How can you tell someone to their face or even through a screen that they don’t belong on this earth and that they should just kill themselves?   There are more and more suicides happening because kids don’t feel like t hey belong or they don’t feel good enough.   It is said in Daily News that 1 in 6 students have seriously thought about committing suicide and 1 in 12 students actually attempt suicide.   These are teenagers just like you and I who are killing themselves because they don’t feel loved; they don’t feel loved because kids like you are too busy putting them down to make yourself feel better. You don’t think of the difference it would make if instead you started bringing them up; if you weren’t so selfish and actually put others above yourself.   As put in the famous movie Mean Girls, â€Å"Calling someone else fat won’t make you any skinnier.   Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you and any smarter†.   Putting someone down and making them feel unworthy of this life is not going to bring you of lifetime a happiness, because when you eventually grow up and look back on high school you will realize what you did, and it is g oing to bring you guilt and sadness. Save yourself the guilt and sadness and treat people right, this doesn’t mean you have to be best friends with everyone but be aware of what you do and think before you talk; everyone has a purpose on this earth and who are you to tell them otherwise?

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